From The Family Virtues Guide


Love is caring for someone, wanting to be near them, and wanting to share with them. Love is the power of attraction. It is a special feeling that fills your heart. Loving people means treating them with special care and kindness because they mean so much to you.

You can show love in a smile, a pleasant way of speaking, a thoughtful act, or a hug.

Love is putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and caring about what they feel. It is accepting them just as they are. You can even be loving to strangers, just by caring what happens to them, and sending loving thoughts.

Love is treating other people just as you would like them to treat you—with care and respect.


Without love people would feel very lonely. When people don’t feel that they matter to anyone, they become unhappy. Sometime they act angry and treat others carelessly. They don’t let others get close to them and have trouble sharing and trusting.

Everyone wants to be liked. Everyone likes to be loved. When you are being loving, you help others to feel important. When people know they are loved, they are nicer and kinder. Love is contagious. It keeps spreading. When you love yourself, you have more love to give.


You practice being loving by allowing yourself to feel love. Sometimes it just comes. You could be watching a little bird, looking at your mother, or noticing a new person and wanting very much to make friends. Showing that you care is a way to be loving. You can do all kinds of thoughtful little things to show love.

Sharing is a way to be loving. You can share your belongings, your time, and yourself—your ideas, feelings, opinions, affection and attention.

Love is showing compassion for other people and wishing for them what you wish for yourself. Think about how you would like them to treat you and then treat them the same way. Loving yourself makes this much easier. When you practice being loved, you are kind and forgiving to yourself and others.

What would Love look like if…

  • You start to get upset with yourself about something you have done?
  • You want to do something thoughtful when you father is sick?
  • Another child is acting cranky?
  • You notice a baby bird has fallen from its nest?
  • You love your teacher and want to show it?
  • You have a special object that you really care about?

Congratulations! You are practicing Love when you…

  • Treat others as you would want them to treat you
  • Say kind and loving things
  • Share your things and your time
  • Show affection
  • Think loving thoughts
  • Take good care of the things you love


I am a loving person. I show my love with thoughtful acts, kind words and affection. I treat others the way I want to be treated.


The V Channel is the only 100% Virtues-Driven Parenting and Kid Self-Improvement Platform available in the media. Stay tuned as we seek a publishing deal and corporate sponsors.

For more information contact Scott Feraco.
Mobile: 917-445-0102

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